Websenseless, Part II
This little story illustrates the absolutely ridiculous nature of Websense – my district’s internet filter. While perusing through my feeds on Google Reader this morning, I found a link to a New York Times article about how the state of New York is investigating Facebook’s safety rules. Needless to say, I was websensed. While trying…
Rule the Web, One Day at a Time
For those of you following Dale Basler’s blog, you’ll remember that he recently posted about Mark Frauenfelder’s book Rule the Web (how to do anything and everything on the internet, better, faster and easier). While I realize that some of you still open books and read them cover to cover, Mark has created a blog…
Doing e-mail for good, not evil
Wired Magazine’s How To Wiki Blog recently posted an article on how to Write a Perfect EMAIL. As educators are flexing their fingers for work after resting this summer, this is a perfect article to kick off the school year. Here is the annotated list: Be Brief Put your message in context Make your requests…
These Kids are Hot!
After a few days of unbearable heat in my classroom (no air conditioning in my school), I decided to quantify my misery. Using a Vernier LabPro and Surface Temperature Sensor, I collected temperature readings in my classroom (in Fahrenheit) over the course of 8 hours of school. Here is the resulting graph: You’ll notice two…
Digi-Peeve: The World is Flat
By now, you have probably heard of Thomas Friedman’s book “The World is Flat” (April 2005). While this is a very worthwhile book that addresses globalization in the 21st century (you should read it if you haven’t), it is over two years old and is not the only resource that can enlighten us about our…
Is Your Principal Reading Your E-mail?
In the September 2007 issue of Reader’s Digest, an article entitled Is Your Boss Spying on You? (by Kim Zetter) caught my eye. While this article is applicable to anyone who has internet access at work, it is especially valid for educators. Not only is my district reading my e-mail and following my website history,…