Tag: Appropriate Use

  • I Think My Students Feel More Respected

    My local newspaper recently interviewed me about cheating and cell phone use in the classroom (read the article).  While cheating and scientific integrity are important topics to talk about later, I have been thinking a lot about my new cell phone policy this year. Overall, I am confident that allowing cell phones in the classroom…

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  • Protect Student Information from Surveys

    At the beginning of each year, I usually receive an onslaught of survey material for my students to fill out.   These surveys are not supplied by the school or district, and usually query students about their backgrounds, interests and future plans. While some teachers diligently have students complete them immediately, others simply use this material…

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  • Your Role in Education with Technology

    As we start a new school year, I challenge all educators to do more with technology in your classroom.  I wholeheartedly encourage you to use online tools that can increase your productivity, join social networks that can link you to other educators, and generally make the most of the hardware and software that is already…

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  • Think Before You Send

    If you follow a lot of tech blogs, you’ll notice how a lot of writers talk about how they are frustrated with e-mail. You might wonder why they are so upset about something that has revolutionized how we communicate in the 21st century. Clive Thompson from Wired Magazine blames the asymmetric nature of e-mail, in…

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  • Student Discussion Boards

    My district has recently installed Microsoft Sharepoint.  This is a dynamic tool (albeit from the MotherShip) that allows me to create and control groups where users can collaborate though shared documents, discussions boards, blogs, and wikis (and many other features). My initial observations of Sharepoint made me realize that it has a distinct Microsoft footprint…

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  • Is Your Principal Reading Your E-mail?

    In the September 2007 issue of Reader’s Digest, an article entitled Is Your Boss Spying on You? (by Kim Zetter) caught my eye. While this article is applicable to anyone who has internet access at work, it is especially valid for educators. Not only is my district reading my e-mail and following my website history,…

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