Exploding Sink

Science, Edtech, Photography

Solargraph from the Ravine

Six Months over Reid Golf Course (Summer to Winter Solstice, 2023)

This solargraph comes from the ravine near Reid Golf Course in Appleton, WI.

Installed in the summer on the summer solstice (June, 2023), the Solarcan was collected near the winter solstice in December. You can see the ghosting from the leaves by the broken, upper rays of the sun. As the leaves fell in the autumn, the lower rays are uninterrupted as they get lower.

The solargraph has to be scanned, inverted, flipped horizontally, and then processed.

Original scan of solargraph

One of the more interesting features is the reflection coming from the creek in the ravine. Since the tree covers the sun for most of the summer, this would have had to have been captured in the fall when the ravine had standing water for multiple days.

Reflection in the ravine